Puppy Corn

2020 Make-A-Wish piece.  My MAW child drew picture and we made his brilliant idea!  Collar courtesy of his own puppy!


Puppy Corn

Inspriation for our sculpture!

Puppy Corn Drawing


Donationion Make-A-Wish 2018.

Kinetic garden sculpture made of stainless steel and copper.  Balanced on stainless steel rod to catch the wind and move as fairies tend to move!  Make-A-Wish child was quite instrumental in the design and even learned to weld!


Stands 6’ high

Elizabeth detail

Heart Table

Worked with Make-A-Wish child with a new heart to create this funky, cool side table!

Heart Table

MAW child learned to weld!

Heart Table detail


Make-A-Wish Donation.  Worked with MAW child to create her favorite “flower” in a larger than life way!

Stainless Steel 11’Tall

Sold for $10,000


Inspiration Drawing

Local charity working with abused children asked for artists to take a drawing one of their children drew and create a piece of art for auction.  One of my favorite things to do!

‘Beautiful’ Inspiration Drawing

Saw blade and painted steel

